Sabrina Talley graduated from Maryville College with a degree in Child Development and Learning. She received her M.S. in Education as a Reading Specialist at the University of Tennessee. With experience teaching kindergarten, second, and fourth grades, as well as three years as the Reading 
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Kelly Mechelke is a life-long learner. She has a bachelor’s degree in Early Education and Special Education.  She holds a masters degree in administration and director of instruction.  Most recently she earned a Ph.D. in Educational Leadership. Some of the positions she has held include 
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Fr. Joe Reed was born and raised in Knoxville. He attended Sacred Heart School, then Farragut Middle and High Schools. He was a seminarian for the Diocese before joining Conception Abbey as a monk for almost twenty years. Fr. Joe earned additional degrees in theology 
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Mary Ann Deschaine, Ed. S., a veteran educator with nearly three decades of experience as a teacher, principal, and most recently as superintendent of Catholic schools in the Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, W. Va., has accepted the position of superintendent of Catholic schools in the Diocese 
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