Preschool Program

Our preschool provides an environment of love and security as preschool students begin their years of educational adventures and build their life of faith. Our program is designed to work with individual children of all abilities, promoting their strengths and developing their areas of need, enabling them to be successful life-long learners. The curriculum is structured by the Diocese of Knoxville and the State of Tennessee. All full and part-time students attend full school days beginning at 7:55 AM and ending at 2:45 PM.

Parents have the following choices for our preschool program:

3 Year-Old Class

Welcome to PK3! Our PK3 program is available for Tuesdays and Thursdays for the 2023-2024 School Year.

4 Year-Old Classes

Welcome to PK4! Our PK4 program has 2 classes, one part-time (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and one full time class.

Preschool staff includes two full-time certified teachers and two full-time teaching assistants (one of which is a registered nurse). Every student attends Mass each week.

A hot lunch is offered at a cost of $4.25 per day, or you may choose to pack your child’s lunch. Afternoon snacks, such as crackers and grapes, are provided.

All students are required to have a rest time each day by the State of Tennessee. We realize that some children sleep better than others to start, but find that most of them adjust to this rest period after attending regularly. All students must be potty trained prior to attending. Pull-ups are not allowed to be used at school.

Before and after care is available at an additional cost. Before care is from 7:00 – 7:40 AM, and after care is from 2:45 – 6:00 PM. After care for preschool students is only offered on days that they are scheduled to be in attendance.

Preschool students are required to wear any solid navy blue or gray top and khaki bottoms. On Wednesdays, a SJNCS Spirit shirt may be worn with uniform bottoms.  Any socks and gym shoes are permitted.

Preschool Registration Process

The following documents are needed to register:

  • Application – Please fill out an application for each child you wish to enroll
  • Application fee ($30 for one child, $50 for two or more, made payable to SJNCS)
  • Copy of student’s birth certificate
  • Copy of student’s baptismal certificate (if Catholic)
  • Copy of student’s Tennessee Child Health Record (from your pediatrician)

Once all the documentation has been received, we will process your application.

After you receive your acceptance letter and accept your child’s spot, the following paperwork will need to be returned:

  • Enrollment fee-Preschool students only-$100 (per child, made payable to SJNCS)
  • Emergency Medical Form
  • Parent custody plan (if applicable)


# of Days Attending 2022/2023
PK3 - 2 Days (T,TH) $3,260
PK4 - 3 Days (M,W,F) $4,760
PK4 - 5 Days $7,210

Tuition may be paid in full at the start of the school year, or monthly for 10 months. For students that join our classes within the school year, the first month’s tuition will be prorated according to the number of days that they actually attend.

St. John Neumann Catholic School (SJNCS) admits students of any race, color, or national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. SJNCS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies and athletic or other school administered programs.

We accept preschool students throughout the school year as long as space is available. If you are interested in learning more about our program, please call the school at (865)777-0077.

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If you're interested in learning more about St. John Neumann Catholic School or any of our events, please contact us.