Special recognition was given recently to the students who achieved the SouthEast Bank Principal’s Award for Quarter 1!
The award is named in appreciation of SouthEast Bank’s generous support of SJNCS academic programs and is one of the most prestigious awards given each quarter.

The following is a list of the middle school students with the highest GPAs for the first quarter. Congratulations to our First Quarter SouthEast Bank Principal’s Award winners! 

Fifth Grade: Olivia B., Delaney W., Sophia Dill, Allison C., Stefy G.
Sixth Grade: Miranda K., Courtney I., Lizzie J., Cooper L., Ana P.
Seventh Grade: Madie P., Anastasia M., Emma C., Bella R., Thomas S.
Eighth Grade: Eliana B., Reagan B., Manuel U., Celeste G., Gabe M.
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