History-Making John F. (Jack) Kawa Endowed Scholarship Created

Jack Kawa, long-time St. John Neumann Catholic Church parishioner who recently moved out of state, has made a gift to establish an endowment at St. John Neumann Catholic School. The John F. (Jack) Kawa Endowed Scholarship, which will provide tuition assistance to students who need financial support, is the first endowment in SJNCS history.

Jack made the landmark gift so others could benefit from a Catholic school education just as he did as a child and young adult growing up in New York. “I made this gift to help families who want their children to attend St. John Neumann Catholic School but can’t afford the full tuition,” said Jack. “I was educated in Catholic schools my entire life, from elementary school through college, graduating from Fordham University in the Bronx in 1965. The education I received from all the Catholic schools I attended was excellent. I think it’s very
important for private schools to succeed and serve as competition for public schools, as competition makes everyone better.”

Fr. Joe Reed, Pastor of St. John Neumann Catholic Church and School, said of the impact of Jack’s gift, “I simply cannot overstate how grateful we are for Jack’s endowed scholarship. This is an historic gift for the school that will change the lives of countless students and families for generations to come. This endowment is a blessing that will help us fulfill our mission to serve God with loving hearts, joyfully embrace our Catholic faith, and nurture individual and academic excellence.”

Jack and his wife, Jayne Curley moved out of state earlier this year, and miss St. John Neumann parishioners and the state of Tennessee as a whole. “Jayne’s and my time in Tennessee was more than enjoyable; we met so many great people. Now, everyone is realizing how great Tennessee is and moving there!”

To learn about how you can give to St. John Neumann Catholic Church or School, please contact Patrick Wade, Director of Development at pwade@sjnknox.org or (865)777-3410. To give online, please visit sjnknox.org/give.

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